Downloads and videos

On this page you will find our brochures along with videos on individual aspects of security.

The brochures:
– CIBORIUS company brochure in German and English
– Flyer on camera-assisted fever screening (German)
– Flyer on our own emergency and service control centre (German)

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CIBORIUS: Roboter im Einsatz (German version)
Künstliche Intelligenz hat die Sicherheitsbranche erreicht. Die CIBORIUS Gruppe macht vor, was dereinst Standard sein wird: Smarte Roboter übernehmen wichtige Aufgaben im Wachschutz und in der Gebäudeinspektion. Sie sind zuverlässig, belastbar, sind stets fokussiert und rundum vernetzt. CIBORIUS ist deutschlandweit der erste Anbieter von robotergestützten Sicherheitslösungen.

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CIBORIUS Robots: New Mission (English version)
Artificial intelligence has entered the security industry. The CIBORIUS Group is demonstrating what will eventually be the standard: smart robots take over important tasks in security & surveillance services and building inspection. They are reliable, resilient, are always focused and fully networked. CIBORIUS is Germany's first provider of robot-assisted security solutions and has established an independent subsidiary for this purpose.

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CIBORIUS security | Plant protection
To counteract vandalism, theft and negligence, employees specially trained in plant protection can take targeted action on a company's behalf. They maintain an overview of the situation and follow up on any suspicions. Often, the presence of such a security guard is enough to avert any damage. If a genuine danger does arise, the security personnel will respond in a professional manner.

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CIBORIUS security on public transport
A number of factors help us select the right security measures for public transport: prior analysis, our experienced teams trained beyond industry standards, certifications and strict quality management, state-of-the-art security technology, and our own emergency and service control centre.

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CIBORIUS Robotics with Spot®
Spot® in Berlin: CIBORIUS showcased the robot at the Brandenburg Gate, leaving many onlookers astonished. The quadruped robot can handle almost any terrain and even climb stairs.

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CIBORIUS Robotics: Spot® comes to Hamburg
Spot® draws the eyes of delighted children and fascinated adults as it strolls through Hamburg. This quadruped robot can be controlled remotely or act completely autonomously. The camera and hardware components can be customised in a variety of ways, and the software is programmed specifically for its deployment.

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CIBORIUS camera-assisted fever screening
CIBORIUS Service enables fever screening at a distance. Since fever is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, fast and efficient fever screening of large groups of people can help to identify carriers of the disease while maintaining a safe distance. Areas of application include access control in factories, supermarkets and offices. Other areas include public transportation, schools and universities, retirement and nursing homes, and hospitals – camera-assisted screening devices come in useful everywhere.

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Management training at CIBORIUS | Security and protection specialist
At CIBORIUS you will complete a varied training programme to become a security and protection specialist. Assignments at different locations will give you insights into the different facets of this profession. From exam preparation to other issues of the profession – CIBORIUS supports its trainees in every respect. Our supervisors always find a helpful and respectful tone to impart their knowledge.

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CIBORIUS security | Security and service
CIBORIUS Group offers security and service at the highest level. The security company operates nationwide, with 5 branches and more than 1,500 qualified employees. As an experienced and professional security service provider, CIBORIUS Group guards property and ensures people's safety.

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CIBORIUS security | Training with a guarantee
Having highly qualified employees is particularly important to us. At CIBORIUS Security you will receive in-depth training as a security and protection specialist. Our trainees are thoroughly prepared for their future roles as managers. We are happy to give you long-term career prospects and we guarantee that you will be taken on after completing your training if you meet our performance benchmarks.

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CIBORIUS emergency and service control centre
CIBORIUS security ensures professional monitoring, with alarm systems connected directly to the company's own state-of-the-art emergency and service control centre. The control centre operates continuously throughout the day and night. As soon as an alarm is triggered, our team rapidly initiates the individual response as previously agreed.

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Event security – systematic protection
We secure renowned events such as the international swimming world championships. Keeping events safe involves measures such as access controls, staff checks and baggage checks. This also includes checks of media crews, their equipment and vehicles. We guard all sensitive areas of large events. Our primary goal is to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

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Mobile security – enhanced property protection
Mobile security units are an important part of the security industry. By carrying out patrols, we considerably raise the protection level of company premises, ministries and facilities that need guarding against intruders and damage. We also monitor locations such as religious sites and centres for asylum seekers and refugees.

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CIBORIUS camera-assisted fever screening
CIBORIUS Service enables fever screening at a distance. Since fever is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, fast and efficient fever screening of large groups of people can help to identify carriers of the disease while maintaining a safe distance. Areas of application include access control in factories, supermarkets and offices. Other areas include public transportation, schools and universities, retirement and nursing homes, and hospitals – camera-assisted screening devices come in useful everywhere.

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CIBORIUS event security
CIBORIUS provides security services for challenging events. For instance, at the stadium of the Bundesliga football club Mainz 05, where we are responsible for entry controls and ensuring orderly spectator behaviour. We check visitors for unauthorised objects such as weapons, pyrotechnics and glass bottles. Thanks to our high-quality training and our experience, we know exactly what to look out for.

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CIBORIUS resident access control
We ensure the safety of refugees and staff at the appropriate accommodation. All residents receive an ID card. This is scanned with an electronic control system for access control. The system checks whether the person actually lives in the accommodation and whether any appointments are coming up. The bags they are carrying are closely inspected. Any weapons or other unauthorised items are confiscated. With our security measures, we ensure the safety of both the residents and our colleagues.

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CIBORIUS security | Securing sensitive areas
Access controls are carried out in sensitive areas for security reasons. Our task is to check every guest and the baggage they are carrying. As well as bringing physical demands, this task requires special training, which is carried out by our own managers.

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CIBORIUS security at the 2018 World Para Athletics European Cup
The 2018 World Para Athletics European Championships provide a strong example of our professional security solutions. This major sporting event attracted over 30,000 spectators and media representatives from all over the world. As an international sporting showcase, the highest level of security had to be guaranteed. Everyone entering the event area had to be checked. Crowd screening was the most critical part of the event security.

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CIBORIUS emergency and service control centre
The emergency and service control centre monitors fire, robbery and intruder alarm systems at our clients' locations throughout Germany using cutting-edge technology. The control centre operates 24 hours a day and can initiate a specifically selected response when an alarm is triggered. Once an alert is received, things have to move quickly. The incoming report is either forwarded to the police or CIBORIUS intervention units are dispatched to follow up on the alarm.

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Park patrols
Our task as park rangers is to enforce the municipal regulations for public parks. Among other things, we ensure compliance with bans on barbecues and smoking and the requirement to keep dogs on a leash, as signposted. We work hand in hand with the local authorities to make public spaces safe, clean and accessible for everyone.

Arrange a personal consultation

Security is all about trust. Get to know us and our methods for planning and executing your project. We will gladly take the time to answer your questions.

0800 / 723 48 46

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With currently 7 branches, over 100 locations and more than 1,500 employees in Germany, we are always on hand to assist you...

Berlin branch →
Erfurt branch →
Leipzig branch →
Frankfurt am Main branch →
Mannheim branch →
Stuttgart branch →
Ingolstadt branch →


Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 22 00 20 72
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50


Am Seegraben 2
99099 Erfurt
Phone: 0361 - 66 33 88 88
Fax: 0361 - 66 33 88 89


Mühlweg 44
04319 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 25693368
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50

CIBORIUS Frankfurt am Main

Stützeläckerweg 14
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 95 41 25 00
Fax: 069 / 95 41 25 01


Havellandstr. 10-12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 / 72 47 07 24
Fax : 0621 / 72 47 07 25

CIBORIUS Stuttgart

Willy-Brandt-Str. 50 - 54
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 / 99 78 58 80
Fax : 0711 / 28 42 48 38

CIBORIUS Ingolstadt

Frankenstraße 8
85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: 0841 / 12 81 01 00
Fax: 0841 / 12 81 21 23

Niederlassung Berlin →
Niederlassung Leipzig →
Niederlassung Erfurt →
Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main →
Niederlassung Mannheim →
Niederlassung Stuttgart →
Niederlassung Ingolstadt →

Please feel free to request a non-binding quote!
Whether you require personal security, mobile security solutions, state-of-the-art remote monitoring or planning and maintenance of your technical security systems – CIBORIUS will be more than happy to advise you.
0800 / 723 48 46