Quality is measurable

CIBORIUS is certified beyond the industry standard

Though it's true that security is primarily a matter of trust, it can also be demonstrated. All CIBORIUS companies regularly undergo certifications, naturally in line with the usual security industry standards, but also over and above these. What is sometimes derived as a cliché forms part of our daily routine: we judge ourselves by the satisfaction of our clients. Thanks to our trusting client relationships, we benefit from a high level of repeat business. Many of our clients have been working with us for years, recognising the value of our advice, planning and on-site security services.

Typical procedure of a security project with CIBORIUS:

  1. In-depth consultation
  2. Analysis of present vs. target situation
  3. Risk assessment
  4. Risk analysis
  5. Planning and assignment of qualified staff and required security equipment
  6. Structured operating procedures for the client and the project in accordance with ISO 9001 and DIN 77200.
  7. Test phase before service provision begins (equipment + personnel)
  8. Service provision begins
  9. Quality controls at various service times and days with a list of measures to maintain quality and improve processes
  10. Weekly or monthly client meetings to discuss and evaluate the service with the client

Quality means never standing still

We are constantly optimising our processes

To measure the quality of our work, we regularly have it audited internally and externally through a rigorous quality management process. Documentation of the results is reported directly to the management by mobile quality teams. In addition, industry standards and certifications help us to continuously develop according to the PDCA model (Plan-Do-Check-Act). As well as assessing the security services we provide, we examine the effectiveness of our in-house processes and those involving our clients.

And it goes without saying: CIBORIUS continuously adapts its portfolio and work processes to perform even better. Alongside client satisfaction, we also survey the satisfaction of our employees – because the overall working atmosphere is one factor that contributes to our very low complaint and error rate.

+Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Our processes are optimised and certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. Our customers can count on the reliability and quality of our work. The quality management assessment covers the following aspects:

  • Customer orientation
  • Leadership accountability
  • Involvement of interested parties
  • Process-oriented approach
  • System-oriented management approach
  • Continuous improvement
  • Fact-based decision-making approach
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

ISO 9001 certificate  DE | EN

+Environmental management certified according to ISO 14001

We have implemented an environmental management system at our companies to improve environmental performance and to meet specified environmental targets. The ISO 14001 standard defines the requirements for this. The following aspects are of particular importance:

  • Setting the targets and processes for improved environmental performance
  • Implementing these processes
  • Monitoring the processes with regard to legal requirements and compliance with the specified targets.
  • If necessary, processes and targets are improved

ISO 14001 certificate   DE | EN

+Certified according to DIN 77200 for security services

CIBORIUS is a security company certified according to DIN 77200. This standard defines uniform and verifiable standards for the security services of companies operating in the field of security. We guarantee our customers highly professional security services and expert advice. The assessment covers the following aspects:

  • Organisational implementation of the security services
  • Personnel management
  • Effectiveness of work processes

DIN 77200 certificate   DE | EN

+Certification of a management system according to DIN 45001:2018

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH has been comprehensively certified according to ISO 45001:2018. The comprehensive certification for occupational health and safety applies to the following service areas:

  • Plant security
  • Object and construction site security
  • Gate and reception services
  • Alarm activation / Alarm service
  • Intervention service
  • Patrol services
  • Event security service
  • Security and order services in public spaces
  • Personal protection
  • Separation services
  • Retail detectives
  • Security training.

ISO 45001:2018 certificate DE

+Certification according to VdS 2172:2020 as an intervention centre

The task of the intervention centres is to quickly recognise threats, assess them and initiate coordinated measures in advance. State-of-the-art monitoring technology enables an accurate assessment of the situation.

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Stuttgart GmbH is recognised by the VdS as a certified intervention centre.

Open certificate according to VdS 2172:2020

+Occupational safety certification from the VBG
VBG (AMS) Zertifikat

"Good occupational safety and health leads to a high quality of work, promotes the productivity, performance and motivation of your employees." (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the administrative sector (VBG), AMS revised Version 5.0/2018-04).

After the introduction of systematic occupational health and safety ("AMS - Arbeitsschutz mit System") at CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH, an expert auditor from the VBG examined and certified the company, finding that CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH is a safe and healthy workplace that systematically prevents occupational accidents, occupational illnesses and work-related health hazards.

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH
VBG certificate, AMS – Arbeitsschutz mit System (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main GmbH
VBG certificate, AMS – Arbeitsschutz mit System (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Mannheim GmbH
VBG certificate, AMS – Arbeitsschutz mit System (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Stuttgart GmbH
VBG certificate, AMS – Arbeitsschutz mit System (PDF)

+Training company certified by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)

CIBORIUS fulfils all the requirements of a certified training company. In-depth skills and sound knowledge are professionally taught at each of our locations. The respective chambers of industry and commerce at each of our locations confirm this with their own certificates.

CIBORIUS makes an important contribution to the future viability of these cities through its active commitment to securing young talent.

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH
IHK Urkunde Ausbildungsbetrieb (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH, Niederlassung Erfurt
IHK Urkunde Ausbildungsbetrieb (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main GmbH
IHK Urkunde Ausbildungsbetrieb (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Mannheim GmbH
IHK Urkunde Ausbildungsbetrieb (PDF)

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Stuttgart GmbH
IHK Urkunde Ausbildungsbetrieb (PDF)

Let us advise you
Our experienced staff will be happy to assist you.

Responsibility for people and the environment

Climate protection through education and promotion

We also know that our success is only possible thanks to our employees. That’s why we attach such great importance to occupational health and safety. Naturally, we meet the relevant safety standards in all areas of our operations, comply with all laws and regulations and take all necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses. To live up to our ambitions of leadership and innovation, we offer regular training across all disciplines and invest in innovative technology and software that improves and facilitates all aspects of our work.

Our employees have access to a comprehensive online knowledge database with briefings, general operating procedures, process descriptions and fact sheets. We believe that only satisfied employees do their job to a high standard. That's why we do everything in our power to ensure that our employees take pleasure in going to work every day – to keep you safe and your assets secure.

As a security company, we also consume resources. We are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and our fellow human beings, so we take action everywhere we can to help protect our local and global ecosystems.

The management has set out the following targets:

  • Regular assessment of CIBORIUS Group's environmental footprint
  • Commitment to continuous improvement and prevention of environmental damage
  • Commitment to comply with applicable legal obligations and requirements
  • Sustainability in our investments and long-term projects

Arrange a personal consultation

Security is all about trust. Get to know us and our methods for planning and executing your project. We will gladly take the time to answer your questions.

0800 / 723 48 46

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With currently 7 branches, over 100 locations and more than 1,500 employees in Germany, we are always on hand to assist you...

Berlin branch →
Erfurt branch →
Leipzig branch →
Frankfurt am Main branch →
Mannheim branch →
Stuttgart branch →
Ingolstadt branch →


Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 22 00 20 72
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50
Email: berlin@security.de
Website: www.security-berlin.de


Am Seegraben 2
99099 Erfurt
Phone: 0361 - 66 33 88 88
Fax: 0361 - 66 33 88 89
Email: erfurt@security.de
Website: www.security-erfurt.de


Mühlweg 44
04319 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 25693368
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50
Email: leipzig@security.de
Website: www.security-sicherheitsdienst-leipzig.de

CIBORIUS Frankfurt am Main

Stützeläckerweg 14
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 95 41 25 00
Fax: 069 / 95 41 25 01
Email: frankfurt@security.de
Website: www.security-sicherheitsdienst-frankfurt.de


Havellandstr. 10-12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 / 72 47 07 24
Fax : 0621 / 72 47 07 25
Email: mannheim@security.de
Website: www.security-sicherheitsdienst-mannheim.de

CIBORIUS Stuttgart

Willy-Brandt-Str. 50 - 54
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 / 99 78 58 80
Fax : 0711 / 28 42 48 38
Email: stuttgart@security.de
Website: www.security-sicherheitsdienst-stuttgart.de

CIBORIUS Ingolstadt

Frankenstraße 8
85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: 0841 / 12 81 01 00
Fax: 0841 / 12 81 21 23
Email: ingolstadt@security.de
Website: www.security-sicherheitsdienst-ingolstadt.de

Niederlassung Berlin →
Niederlassung Leipzig →
Niederlassung Erfurt →
Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main →
Niederlassung Mannheim →
Niederlassung Stuttgart →
Niederlassung Ingolstadt →

Please feel free to request a non-binding quote!
Whether you require personal security, mobile security solutions, state-of-the-art remote monitoring or planning and maintenance of your technical security systems – CIBORIUS will be more than happy to advise you.
0800 / 723 48 46