The future of the security market has arrived

Consulting, concept, implementation.

networked and pinpoint

Markets and society are going through major changes, bringing opportunities but also posing challenges for all of us. CIBORIUS Robotics delivers high-tech solutions that both respond intelligently to this change and play an active role in shaping the future.

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CIBORIUS: Roboter im Einsatz (German version)
Künstliche Intelligenz hat die Sicherheitsbranche erreicht. Die CIBORIUS Gruppe macht vor, was dereinst Standard sein wird: Smarte Roboter übernehmen wichtige Aufgaben im Wachschutz und in der Gebäudeinspektion. Sie sind zuverlässig, belastbar, sind stets fokussiert und rundum vernetzt. CIBORIUS ist deutschlandweit der erste Anbieter von robotergestützten Sicherheitslösungen.

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CIBORIUS Robots: New Mission (English version)
Artificial intelligence has entered the security industry. The CIBORIUS Group is demonstrating what will eventually be the standard: smart robots take over important tasks in security & surveillance services and building inspection. They are reliable, resilient, are always focused and fully networked. CIBORIUS is Germany's first provider of robot-assisted security solutions and has established an independent subsidiary for this purpose.

We deliver tailor-made hardware and software

Because today, the need for machines to assist in security services, keeping watch using sensors and cameras while also checking and measuring with 100% certainty, is greater than ever before. Thanks to advances in smart technology, connected robots working with pinpoint accuracy are taking on such tasks with the utmost precision and endurance – leading to measurable increases in quality thanks to their intelligent deployment. At the same time, almost all industries are experiencing a shortage of qualified staff. This is a further benefit of the CIBORIUS Robotics product from CIBORIUS: by putting these robots to work, you can assign your valued human employees to jobs that demand people skills and responsibility.

Robots are performing increasingly complex tasks. Areas of application range from taking and recording measurements to providing reception services and securing premises by carrying out patrols. Since every use case is unique, the CIBORIUS Robotics product is backed by a team of specialists who examine each project in detail with you, develop a plan and find the right solution.

Programmers, IT specialists and security experts

In addition, we supervise the robots' deployment and offer support at all times of day and night. The use of CIBORIUS Robotics raises new questions about data protection. In this respect, CIBORIUS strictly adheres to the requirements of GDPR and German data protection regulations. Any data collected remains either within secure German data centres or exclusively on the client's own servers. In the area of data protection, you benefit from the extensive experience of our security and IT specialists – for example, in handling sensitive data from projects with Germany's federal and state governments.

Our CIBORIUS Robotics services:

  • Prudent risk analysis
  • Supply and deployment of state-of-the-art robotics technology
  • Programming of customised software
  • Integration of robots into security operations at your site
  • 24/7 support for your robots
  • Expertise in three key areas: end-user sector (e.g. for the banking and chemical industries), service sector (e.g. facility management & security and related services) and private sector.
  • Flexible and innovative start-up culture with the powerful backing of CIBORIUS Group
  • Robots can be deployed in areas such as compounds and construction sites, production halls, oil rigs, radiation sites, mining sites and healthcare facilities.

Download flyer "Sicherheitsdienst mit Roboter-Technologie", German (PDF)
Download presse release "Roboter im Sicherheitsdienst", German (PDF)
Download press release "Roboter im Sicherheitsdienst", English (PDF)

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Gurbet Saybak

Managementsystem /
Security Officer Controlling

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0800 / 723 48 46

Excerpt of our references

Our customers from the federal, state and local governments

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Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 22 00 20 72
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50


Am Seegraben 2
99099 Erfurt
Phone: 0361 - 66 33 88 88
Fax: 0361 - 66 33 88 89


Mühlweg 44
04319 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 25693368
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50

CIBORIUS Frankfurt am Main

Stützeläckerweg 14
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 95 41 25 00
Fax: 069 / 95 41 25 01


Havellandstr. 10-12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 / 72 47 07 24
Fax : 0621 / 72 47 07 25

CIBORIUS Stuttgart

Willy-Brandt-Str. 50 - 54
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 / 99 78 58 80
Fax : 0711 / 28 42 48 38

CIBORIUS Ingolstadt

Frankenstraße 8
85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: 0841 / 12 81 01 00
Fax: 0841 / 12 81 21 23

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Whether you require personal security, mobile security solutions, state-of-the-art remote monitoring or planning and maintenance of your technical security systems – CIBORIUS will be more than happy to advise you.
0800 / 723 48 46