Security services from CIBORIUS

CIBORIUS is your security network

Consulting, concept, implementation.

All-round security services

With CIBORIUS, you benefit from a precisely tailored solution that covers every conceivable security service you require. So you can concentrate on your core business. Our innovative and integrated security solutions are underpinned by loyal employees who are trained and certified beyond the industry standard – because security is a matter of trust.


All-round security from one source

On the one hand, CIBORIUS provides the perfect basic provision of security, service and facility management. On the other hand, the owner-managed security network regularly demonstrates its leading role with special training courses and the deployment of innovative robotics technology. To ensure that all this comes together seamlessly, we rely on the tried and tested concept of CIBORIUS Integrated Business Solutions. Our security consultants will work with you to put together the perfect package to meet your needs and those of your business.

Efficiency & Quality

We are entrusted with people’s safety, the monitoring of industrial plants and the guarding of property. Through state-of-the-art technology and regular quality checks – both internal and external – we ensure consistently flawless processes and the highest level of security. In particular, this comes down to the extensive training of our employees. And we can prove this claim – with ISO certifications that go beyond the industry standard. Training and instruction is carried out by our own certified academy DASM (Deutsche Akademie für Sicherheits- und Managementausbildungen GmbH) – usually with mandatory in-person sessions, but due to the COVID-19 situation, currently online with the support of the service provider secova.

+Construction site guarding

Construction sites are particularly vulnerable locations. Not only during the day, when there is a lot of activity, but especially at night, after work comes to a halt: building materials, fuel, machinery and vehicles are frequently targeted by thieves. CIBORIUS makes sure you don't have to worry – with monitoring of entrances and exits, access controls and patrols of outdoor areas – by personnel and using modern surveillance technology. Our professional service prevents theft and damage due to vandalism on and around the construction site. Experience shows that the presence of our security staff alone has a preventive effect. And whenever suspicions do arise, our security team will intervene.

More information about construction site guarding →

+Consulting & concepts

Every security project brings different requirements – that's why smart planning in advance is so important. CIBORIUS can draw on a wealth of experience from almost all areas of security. Our consultants come from different sectors of the security industry. This helps us – and you as our client – to correctly assess dangers, realistically estimate costs and, of course, optimally guard your property and facilities. For one thing, we demonstrate our high quality standards through AMS occupational safety assessments by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the administrative sector (VBG).

More information about consulting & concepts →

+Fire protection

Fires often have devastating consequences. People can be harmed, buildings and property destroyed. Many fires that occur in Germany are preventable, as are their economic impacts. Preventive fire protection that identifies and eliminates sources of risk is crucial. CIBORIUS develops concepts in cooperation with its clients to enhance fire safety in buildings and throughout entire facilities.

More information about fire protection →

+Theft protection

Modern theft protection rests on two main pillars: personnel and technology. CIBORIUS offers both – closely linked and supported by our own emergency and service control centre. Our personnel show their presence with classic patrols and entry checks. This serves as a deterrent as well as catching thieves in the act. To ensure that our security network is as tightly knit as possible, theft protection is enhanced with the use of ultra-modern surveillance systems. All monitoring systems converge at our own CIBORIUS emergency and service control centre in Frankfurt am Main. It manages the simultaneous monitoring of hundreds of locations and coordinates countless teams providing a 24/7 service – throughout Germany.

More information about theft protection →

+Document management

Business and customer data is particularly sensitive information – and not just since the advent of GDPR regulations. To ensure that data is protected from theft and misuse at all times and that processes run smoothly, CIBORIUS offers an efficient, standardised and secure document management service. It covers the processing, archiving, forwarding, transport and professional disposal and deletion of sensitive files, documents, data and business mail. You can track CIBORIUS courier journeys at any time thanks to GPS monitoring and an online guard control system supported by barcodes and near-field communication (NFC).

More information about document management →

+Investigation services

Once a suspicion arises, personal and business relationships are at risk of permanent damage. CIBORIUS provides certainty. We support our clients in shedding light on the situation and we systematically pursue your suspicions.

More information about investigation services →

+Refugee and asylum seeker accommodation

Initial reception centres for refugees and asylum seekers present a unique set of needs. People from all parts of the world are housed here temporarily, having come in the hope of a better life. At the same time, access to the German labour market is restricted and many of these residents have no choice but to occupy themselves.

More information about refugee and asylum seeker accommodation →

+Mobile security

One of the ways that we keep buildings and sites fully secure is by providing mobile security services. The CIBORIUS security network therefore includes regular patrols and checks of zones defined in consultation with you. This effectively reduces the risk of incidents and unauthorised access to your premises. Experience shows that the very presence of CIBORIUS security forces in mobile deployment acts as a sufficient deterrent in most cases. Mobile operations are another area where CIBORIUS shows its progressive approach: thanks to a large and ever-growing fleet of electric vehicles, we have earned ISO 14001 environmental management certification.

More information about mobile security →

+Property protection

Mindless vandalism of shops, targeted attacks on car showrooms, banks, company premises, institutes and authorities – attackers come in all shapes and sizes. CIBORIUS is your partner to prevent each and every one of them. We monitor extensive industrial sites, guard buildings in public areas and keep your private property under tight surveillance.

More information about property protection →

+Protection on public transport

People want to travel safely – whether hopping on the bus for three stops or taking a 14-hour flight to another continent. That’s why security and orderly conduct at bus and train stations, ship terminals and airports is so crucial. For instance, security patrols on regional trains play a significant role in making passengers feel at ease. And freight transport is only possible when the routes are kept secure. CIBORIUS monitors these often sensitive areas with the utmost vigilance and tact.

More information about protection on public transport →

+Personal and baggage screening

Some locations and events have particularly high security requirements. These include airports, public authority buildings and major events. Here, both individuals and their baggage need to be checked, usually in large numbers and always with speed and precision. CIBORIUS provides personnel who are trained beyond the industry standard and are more than capable of meeting the high demands. Wherever required, our certified security staff are supported by state-of-the-art security technology.

More information about personal and baggage screening →

+Personal protection

Public office, celebrity, political views, a hostile environment – the reasons to seek personal protection are manifold. Of all forms of security, this requires the most experience and finesse. Moreover, personal protection is usually only required when there is an immediate risk of harm. Routine operations are the exception here – CIBORIUS security personnel are always at the ready to protect you from attack.

More information about personal protection →

+Event security

Wherever people gather in large numbers, prudent event security is an absolute must. CIBORIUS has many years of experience in protecting large events against unauthorised access, violent disturbances and escalations. Our employees ensure the safety of the event site, crew, participants, performers and guests. CIBORIUS also draws on a wealth of experience in fire protection, planning evacuation routes and drawing up emergency plans, all with a view to avoiding mass panic and accidents.

More information about event security →

+Plant and industry protection

When commercial buildings and facilities are secured, this is known as plant protection, a special form of property protection. The primary goal is to guard building complexes, equipment, technical facilities, judicial buildings and other property against theft, sabotage and destruction. Access controls, site inspections and surveillance technology, where appropriate, all have a role to play. It is also possible to deploy dog handlers or armed personnel, especially in particularly sensitive environments and sectors such as banking and the weapons industry.

More information about plant and industry protection →

+Entry checks

Entrances are sensitive spaces requiring careful management. What's more, your guests, customers and colleagues often get an initial impression of your business when they first arrive at the entrance. Encountering confident personnel with a good sense of tact makes a world of difference. CIBORIUS draws on a wealth of experience in entry checks, personal checks and visitor management. Our work is in demand everywhere that has restrictions on entry, including judicial facilities, banks, stock exchanges, logistics centres and data centres.

More information about entry checks →

Emergency control center
24 h professional alarm monitoring

Quality for your security

Our performance is regularly tested and certified.

Gurbet Saybak

Managementsystem /
Security Officer Controlling

You are looking for long-term solutions
and a trustworthy partner for your security? Feel free to contact us!
0800 / 723 48 46

Excerpt of our references

Our customers from the federal, state and local governments

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Security is all about trust. Get to know us and our methods for planning and executing your project. We will gladly take the time to answer your questions.

0800 / 723 48 46

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With currently 7 branches, over 100 locations and more than 1,500 employees in Germany, we are always on hand to assist you...

Berlin branch →
Erfurt branch →
Leipzig branch →
Frankfurt am Main branch →
Mannheim branch →
Stuttgart branch →
Ingolstadt branch →


Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 22 00 20 72
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50


Am Seegraben 2
99099 Erfurt
Phone: 0361 - 66 33 88 88
Fax: 0361 - 66 33 88 89


Mühlweg 44
04319 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 25693368
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50

CIBORIUS Frankfurt am Main

Stützeläckerweg 14
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 95 41 25 00
Fax: 069 / 95 41 25 01


Havellandstr. 10-12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 / 72 47 07 24
Fax : 0621 / 72 47 07 25

CIBORIUS Stuttgart

Willy-Brandt-Str. 50 - 54
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 / 99 78 58 80
Fax : 0711 / 28 42 48 38

CIBORIUS Ingolstadt

Frankenstraße 8
85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: 0841 / 12 81 01 00
Fax: 0841 / 12 81 21 23

Niederlassung Berlin →
Niederlassung Leipzig →
Niederlassung Erfurt →
Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main →
Niederlassung Mannheim →
Niederlassung Stuttgart →
Niederlassung Ingolstadt →

Please feel free to request a non-binding quote!
Whether you require personal security, mobile security solutions, state-of-the-art remote monitoring or planning and maintenance of your technical security systems – CIBORIUS will be more than happy to advise you.
0800 / 723 48 46