Refugee and asylum seeker accommodation with CIBORIUS

The complete package

Consulting, concept, implementation.

safe initial reception of refugees

Initial reception centres for refugees and asylum seekers present a unique set of needs. People from all parts of the world are housed here temporarily, having come in the hope of a better life. At the same time, access to the German labour market is restricted and many of these residents have no choice but to occupy themselves.

This is precisely where CIBORIUS comes in – with an all-round approach that has proven its value over a number of years: When we manage refugee and asylum seeker accommodation, we think holistically. Besides ensuring that everyone gets along peacefully, our staff provide a well-structured programme of activities for every age group and ethnicity. We support children and young people in particular – with everything from childcare to homework.

Our services at a glance

  • Sophisticated concepts for initial reception centres
  • Proven and tailored strategies for operating collective accommodation centres for refugees and asylum seekers
  • Alongside accommodation and security services, our strategies cover aspects such as everyday assistance and language mediation
  • Specially developed software for systematically and effectively implementing these concepts

Building our experience since 2014

Contact person, security service, catering

Together with our sister companies CIBORIUS Facility Service GmbH and DASM (Deutsche Akademie für Sicherheits- und Managementausbildungen GmbH), we ensure that people get along smoothly at refugee and asylum seeker accommodation throughout Germany. At DASM, we provide training and further qualifications for our staff – specifically for assignments at refugee accommodation. Our employees also learn intercultural skills here that help them in their daily duties on site.

Alongside security, we assist with residents' social and organisational needs. As early as 2015, we were looking after large needs-based initial reception centres throughout Germany with more than 750 employees providing social, security and cleaning services. Our extensive experience helps us every day to recognise emerging problems early on and intervene proactively. In addition, we offer advice and assistance to the residents – in their native language, of course. To complete our service spectrum, we provide full or partial catering with culturally appropriate meals from our trusted canteen kitchens.


Social participation from the outset

Tailored concepts for refugees

We always develop an action strategy individually tailored to the needs of the residents. The ultimate goal is to support their participation in society. By purchasing, leasing or renting suitable properties, we create spaces where people in need of protection can live with dignity.

Benefit from our experience in these areas:

  • Decentralised accommodation
  • Initial reception centres
  • Federal state initial reception centres
  • Collective accommodation centres

We manage facilities that accommodate up to 6,000 people. Nationwide, CIBORIUS Group has already taken care of up to 10,000 asylum seekers at a variety of facilities. And thanks to our subsidiary CIBORIUS Facility, our residents particularly benefit from:

  • Language mediation
  • Catering
  • Provisions
  • Structured support
  • Everyday assistance
  • Integration / career counselling
  • Leisure activities
  • Childcare

Refugee and asylum seeker accommodation
Have extensive expertise supervised

Specific challenges due to COVID-19

The pandemic compels us to take special measures in all areas of life. But even under these difficult conditions, CIBORIUS shows how to capably handle COVID-19. Our staff have the latest training coupled with the latest technology, and they communicate hygiene regulations in a clear and consistent manner. For instance, they are equipped to carry out efficient fever measurement at a distance.

Working with local and state authorities

Among our satisfied clients are the following local and state authorities:

  • Federal Agency of Migration and Refugees
  • Baden-Württemberg | Regional Council of Karlsruhe
  • Baden-Württemberg | Regional Council of Freiburg
  • Baden-Württemberg | Regional Council of Stuttgart
  • Berlin | State Office for Refugee Affairs
  • Hesse | Regional Council of Gießen

Quality for your security

Our performance is regularly tested and certified.

Gurbet Saybak

Managementsystem /
Security Officer Controlling

You are looking for long-term solutions
and a trustworthy partner for your security? Feel free to contact us!
0800 / 723 48 46

Excerpt of our references

Our customers from the federal, state and local governments

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Security is all about trust. Get to know us and our methods for planning and executing your project. We will gladly take the time to answer your questions.

0800 / 723 48 46

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With currently 7 branches, over 100 locations and more than 1,500 employees in Germany, we are always on hand to assist you...

Berlin branch →
Erfurt branch →
Leipzig branch →
Frankfurt am Main branch →
Mannheim branch →
Stuttgart branch →
Ingolstadt branch →


Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 22 00 20 72
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50


Am Seegraben 2
99099 Erfurt
Phone: 0361 - 66 33 88 88
Fax: 0361 - 66 33 88 89


Mühlweg 44
04319 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 25693368
Fax: 030 / 20 62 44 50

CIBORIUS Frankfurt am Main

Stützeläckerweg 14
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 95 41 25 00
Fax: 069 / 95 41 25 01


Havellandstr. 10-12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: 0621 / 72 47 07 24
Fax : 0621 / 72 47 07 25

CIBORIUS Stuttgart

Willy-Brandt-Str. 50 - 54
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 / 99 78 58 80
Fax : 0711 / 28 42 48 38

CIBORIUS Ingolstadt

Frankenstraße 8
85049 Ingolstadt
Phone: 0841 / 12 81 01 00
Fax: 0841 / 12 81 21 23

Niederlassung Berlin →
Niederlassung Leipzig →
Niederlassung Erfurt →
Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main →
Niederlassung Mannheim →
Niederlassung Stuttgart →
Niederlassung Ingolstadt →

Please feel free to request a non-binding quote!
Whether you require personal security, mobile security solutions, state-of-the-art remote monitoring or planning and maintenance of your technical security systems – CIBORIUS will be more than happy to advise you.
0800 / 723 48 46